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If you’re a Canadian homeowner aged 55 or older and looking for ways to access the equity in your home, a CHIP Reverse Mortgage could be a financial solution worth exploring. This financial product has gained popularity among seniors who want to supplement their retirement income, pay off debts, or fund major expenses, without having to sell their homes. Here's everything you need to know about CHIP reverse mortgages and how they work.

What is a CHIP Reverse Mortgage?

A CHIP (Canadian Home Income Plan) Reverse Mortgage is a type of loan specifically designed for homeowners aged 55 or older. Offered by HomeEquity Bank, this financial product allows you to borrow up to 55% of your home’s value while still maintaining ownership and staying in your home. Unlike a traditional mortgage, with a reverse mortgage, you do not need to make regular monthly payments. Instead, the loan is repaid when you sell your home, move out, or pass away.

How Does It Work?

  1. Accessing Home Equity: A CHIP reverse mortgage allows you to convert a portion of your home equity into cash, which can be received as a lump sum, regular payments, or a combination of both. The amount you can borrow depends on factors like your age, your home’s value, and its location.

  2. No Monthly Payments: One of the biggest benefits of a reverse mortgage is that you don’t need to make any regular mortgage payments. The loan accumulates interest over time, and the total loan amount (including interest) is repaid when you sell the home, move into long-term care, or pass away.

  3. Remain in Your Home: Even though you’re borrowing against the value of your home, you still retain ownership and can continue to live in it as long as you want. This is ideal for those who want to stay in their familiar surroundings while accessing additional funds.

  4. Repayment: The loan, plus accumulated interest, is repaid when the home is sold or transferred. If you or your heirs decide to sell the home after you pass away, any remaining equity after the loan is paid off goes to your estate.

Benefits of a CHIP Reverse Mortgage

  • Tax-Free Cash: The money you receive from a CHIP reverse mortgage is tax-free and does not affect government benefits like Old Age Security (OAS) or the Canada Pension Plan (CPP).

  • No Monthly Payments: Unlike traditional loans, you won’t have to make monthly payments, which can be particularly helpful if you’re on a fixed income.

  • Flexible Payout Options: You can choose to receive your funds in a way that suits your financial needs, whether as a lump sum, regular income, or a mix of both.

  • Stay in Your Home: This loan allows you to age in place, enjoying the comfort of your own home without the need to sell it to access its equity.

Is a CHIP Reverse Mortgage Right for You?

A CHIP reverse mortgage is best suited for homeowners who want to stay in their home while needing additional income to fund their lifestyle or cover expenses. It can provide peace of mind for those who are “house rich but cash poor,” as it offers a way to tap into the value of your home without selling it.

The great thing about a CHIP is it puts cash in your pocket now, allows you the continue to live in the home and neighbourhood you are comfortable in and during that time the valuation of the home is going to continue to increase. With the increase in the value of your home and the continued ownership you are still going to leave a significant asset to your children.


A CHIP reverse mortgage can be a valuable financial tool for Canadian seniors who want to stay in their homes while accessing extra funds to enjoy retirement or cover essential costs. Don't feel the pressure of the rising costs of living. Your home is a fantastic financial vehicle that you can use it to reduce financial stress in your life while still holding your biggest asset and letting it's value continue to grow. 

If you’re curious about how much you can borrow with a CHIP reverse mortgage, reach out to me and let's look into it for you. The fastest way to get ahold of me is by phone at 403-915-1025.